CCTV - Monitoring

CCTV at Westall PS
Westall Primary School Council has decided to install closed-circuit television (CCTV) system at our school.
Our school has an obligation to ensure the school environment is safe and secure, and fulfil our duty of care to students, staff and visitors. The CCTV system will assist our school to fulfil these obligations and to prevent and manage other inappropriate behaviour on school grounds. CCTV will also provide enhanced capability to protect our school’s assets against vandalism and theft.
We will follow Department of Education and Training policy requirements for the design, installation, management and use of the CCTV systems. This policy is available at: CCTV in Schools – Installation and Management.
All system proposals must be approved by the Departments Security Unit and comply with and be installed in accordance with AS/NZS 62676 1.2 and the DE CCTV Policy.
Please note that footage will be collected primarily for security purposes, and locations of cameras will be on external building, and hallways covering computer equipment.
Access to footage of any incident that might occur is only for approved persons.
Viewing of footage by parents is at the Principal's discretion and will only be made available in exceptional circumstances. The usual process will involve the Principal or Assistant Principal reviewing footage and making notes of what may have occurred.
Please see our CCTV Privacy Notice for more information: CCTV Privacy Notice